Be part of the Secret Garden project at Amelia Trust!

Our Secret Garden project, with support from Admiral, will enable us to transform the Donkey Classroom into a brand new feature for our visitors to enjoy.

What’s the Donkey Classroom?

The photo below shows a space called the Donkey Classroom, and we’re going to give it a makeover.

Our aim is to turn the Donkey Classroom into something special for our visitors: a Secret Garden at Amelia Trust!

Amelia Trust is a magical place for our young people, visitors, animals, supporters, and of course the fairies and gnomes that live in the woodland.

The old Donkey Classroom would be the perfect place for gnomes and fairies to get together where all of our visitors can see them. But it needs a bit of work to help make it bright and beautiful!

How will we turn the Donkey Classroom into a Secret Garden?

With support from Admiral, we’ll refresh the Donkey Classroom to turn it into a fabulous Secret Garden for gnomes and fairies. We already have a Gnome Home by the Picnic Shelter, and of course, Gnome Man’s Land in the woodland. We think a Secret Garden will be a wonderful addition to the Farm.

How can you get involved in the Secret Garden project?

We would love our visitors to be involved in designing our Secret Garden space. Think about what gnomes and fairies would love to do, play, and see… Be as creative as possible in your designs! Anyone can enter, from children through to big kids.

Download the Secret Garden Project pack, and let your imagination run wild.

Draw your design on the templates we’ve provided, or write down a description of your Secret Garden. Email your designs, post them, or drop them to reception.

What happens to my design?

We’ll take inspiration from the winning design to create the Secret Garden at Amelia Trust!

The winning design will receive free tickets for 4 people to visit the Farm and a special animal interaction.

When’s the deadline?

All designs must be in by the end of September 2022.

We can’t wait to see what you come up with – keep an eye on our website and social media pages for Secret Garden updates!

Current Donkey Classroom, soon to be Secret Garden