Have you ever considered working with young people at Amelia Trust Farm?
We are currently recruiting for a Wood Work tutor to join us at the Farm. We’re looking for someone with experience in wood craft, site maintenance and work-related skills. You’ll need excellent interpersonal skills, and duties will include planning and delivering sessions and creating a supportive and therapeutic environment.
If you have thought about applying for a role within the GROW programme, you might have wondered what it’s like to work in an environment that’s so different to a standard 9 – 5 job. You might have thought about the relationship between our young people and our animals. Or, perhaps the relationship between our volunteers and staff. If that sounds like you, we’d love you to join us for an Introduction to life on the GROW programme.
A unique working environment
Amelia Trust isn’t your typical office environment. It’s much more unique, and can be much more rewarding.
The young people on our GROW programme are at the heart of everything we do at the charity. We aim to help them build their confidence and learn skills that will help them as they transition into a job, or back into full time education.
Every day is different
Our young people spend time with our animals, outside in the woodland, getting creative in the carpentry workshop, letting off steam in the Sports Hall, and learning how to cook in the kitchen. There’s an IT suite, art room, and a music studio too.
The spaces used by our young people are often out of site for visitors to the Farm, so it can be difficult to imagine what a day is like at the Farm without seeing it for yourself.
Come and experience life at Amelia Trust
If you’re interested in applying for our latest tutor role at the Farm, and you want to find out more, we’d love to invite you to an open afternoon.
Join us for an Introduction to life on the GROW programme on Tuesday 8th August at 3pm.
You’ll meet Paul, our Education Programmes Lead and find out what working as a tutor entails. If you’d like to come along on Tuesday 8th August, please call on 01446 782030. If you’d like to have an informal chat before the day, feel free to reach out or email general@ameliatrust.org.uk.
Already applied?
If you’ve already applied for our Wood Work Tutor role, you are more than welcome to join us for the session.
See you soon!