Reaching out to South Wales

Have you spotted a poster in your area about Amelia Trust Farm?

If you visited our Farm during October half term, or you’ve seen some of our previous posts on our website and social media, you may have noticed that we’ve been trying to find out what our visitors think of the Farm.

As well as connecting with our current visitors, we need to try and expand our reach across South Wales to find out how many people know about our charity, what they expect from our charity, and what would entice them to come and visit us.

That’s why you may find posters with a QR code (the same one is shown below) that directs you to a Google Forms questionnaire. The QR code will take you to this page. The quick questions are relevent to anyone who lives in South Wales (or further afield!), whether you’ve heard of the Farm or not. If you have a minute to spare, we’d really appreicate it if you could fill in the answers.

Got questions or would like the survey in another format? No problem! Feel free to give us a call on 01446 782030 or email