Easter Holiday Fun in the Vale

We’ve got lots going on at the Farm during the Easter holidays, so if you’re looking for Easter holiday fun in the Vale of Glamorgan, make sure you book your tickets!

The Big Easter Event

From Monday 11th until Thursday 14th April, join us for family fun at the Farm! We’ll have free tractor rides, free face painting, and a chocolate prize for every child who completes our Easter trail!

Click here to find out more and book tickets.

Easter activities for all the family at Amelia Trust Farm

Wellbeing Week

Our focus for the second week of the Easter Holidays is wellbeing. We want to encourage children to spend time outside in the fresh air (and away from screens!). The Easter Holidays are the perfect opportunity to reset ready for the new school term.

Yoga and Forest Bathing with Wild Paws Yoga

On Wednesday 20th April we’ll be running Yoga & Forest Bathing for children with Jess from Wild Paws Yoga. Jess will take children through a gentle and fun yoga class, followed by a forest bathing activity in the woodland. (Don’t worry, no swim wear is necessary!). With a session for children aged 3 – 6, and another session for children aged 6 – 12, we’re so excited to be able to offer this activity at the Farm!

Click here to find out more and book tickets.

Children’s Yoga and Forest Bathing in the Vale

Meet the Animals

Spending time with animals is a great way to relax and have fun, and after the success of our Meet the Animal sessions in February half term, we are delighted to be offering children the chance to meet our gorgeous ponies and goats from Tuesday 19th April until Friday 22nd April.

Click here to find out more and book tickets.

Meet our pretty ponies and gorgeous goats!

Please be aware that the activities described above are ONLY available on the dates stated and you will need to book tickets in advance.

Of course, as well as our additional activities, the Farm is always open for you to come and see the animals, enjoy the woodland, play in the park, visit the café, and spend time in the fresh air! We’re open every day (apart from Christmas day) and visitors are welcome whatever the weather. To book entrance tickets, please click here.

As a small charity, we really appreciate your support, and all of the money raised by ticket sales enables us to continue the work we do with young people, to take care of the animals, and to keep the Farm open as a countryside sanctuary for everyone to enjoy.

If you’re looking for fun activities to do during the Easter Holidays in the Vale, we hope to see you soon!